As top management of Command Electrical Ltd I have a considerable responsibility to ensure that the company requirements concerning health and safety at work, and the environment, are properly understood by everybody and are adhered to constantly. However, these requirements can only be regarded as a foundation stone, as it is my belief that health, safety and the environment rank equally with all other company objectives.

The responsibility placed upon me is filtered down through the management, operations and administrative staff who report to me. As part of their duties they must ensure that our activities do not adversely impact the environment, that health and safety in the workplace is kept under control and that the performance of those reporting to them is monitored.

All employees have a legal duty to co-operate with their employer on health and safety. We must all take reasonable care for our own health and safety, and that of others who may be affected by what we do or do not do. As employees within our organisation it is up to each one of us to ensure that whatever we do it is safe for others, as well as being safe for ourselves.

Employees will be suitably trained to perform the tasks that they are likely to undertake, to recognise potential risks in the work situation, and not to be asked to perform any tasks that is likely to risk their health.

The company is bound by law to conduct risk assessments in the workplace, and we will accordingly take all steps to control foreseeable hazards, and risk of harm, where it is reasonable practicable to do so.

As a company we take full account of the impact of our operations on health, safety, welfare and the environment. We continually seek to improve on best industry standards, where reasonable practicable and economic to do so, and shall accordingly provide the time, trouble and financial resources to protect all persons affected by our operations.

We believe that people are our greatest resource, and are key to the safe management of our activities, and all should be motivated to understand that working safely, and professionally, is the only way forward. All of our staff are DBS checked.

Finally, we are all committed to the prevention of injury and ill-health, and to compliance with all applicable health and safety law.

CLICK HERE to download a PDF copy of our Health & Safety Policy.